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Platelet rich plasma is concentrated blood plasma which contains up to five times more platelets than are found in normal blood. Since platelets are a vital part of wound healing, they can help to regenerate tissue that has been damaged by the immune system. PRP also contains growth factors and proteins including platelet-derived growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, and transforming growth factor.

The procedure takes about an hour. You can wash your face next morning.
Most patients can apply make-up in 24-48 hours.

• Improve skin texture & tone
• Healthier looking skin
• Help with fine lines and superficial scars
• Minimal down time
• No or minimal pain

Dr. Choe performs the procedure with topical anesthesia.

*disclaimer: Results may vary; may need multiple treatments for optimal results.

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The Choe Center for Facial Plastic Surgery

4400 Corporation Lane, Suite 102,
Virginia Beach, VA23462
(757) 389-5850

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