Archive for March, 2015
Facelifts Help Men Look Younger and Feel Confident

Even though women continue to be the primary beneficiaries of cosmetic surgery, the number of men who get plastic surgery has been steadily rising over the past several years. There are a handful of surgeries that are especially popular among men, including facelift surgery. Over twelve thousand of these procedures were performed on men in […]
How to Mentally Prepare for Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has become increasingly widespread and continues to gain popularity every year. Even so, it can be a scary thing for you to undergo, especially if it is your first time having a cosmetic procedure. Surgery can take a physical toll, but it can also take a toll on your mental health. By preparing […]
Considering a Facelift? Don’t Forget About Your Neck

Many different surgical and nonsurgical procedures are available to help a person look young, healthy, and vibrant. Many of those procedures focus on the patient’s face: eye lifts, nose jobs, facelifts, etc. However, if you are considering a facelift or any other facial surgery, you should also consider getting a neck lift. Neck lifts are […]
The Story on Sugar

Move over, fat — there’s a new bad guy in town when it comes to dietary damage. While people believed for years that fat was the source of many of their woes, from weighing too much to struggling with heart disease, it turns out that, for the most part, fat was just the scapegoat, taking […]